Author: Admin

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Human rights between the sexes, a study

In November 2013, Dr Dan Christian Ghattas of OII Germany, together with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, published a preliminary study on the human rights of intersex people in 12 countries around the world, including Australia, along with Belgium, France, Germany, New Zealand, Serbia, South Africa, Taiwan, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, and Uruguay. While a preliminary study,…
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Morgan speaking at the Geelong Pathways to healthcare event

Healthcare pathways for intersex people

Morgan Carpenter and Tony Briffa (OII Australia) and Bonnie Hart (AISSGA) spoke on intersex healthcare in Geelong in October. The event also discussed healthcare pathways for transgender and gender diverse youth. Morgan gave a presentation: Tony and Bonnie participated in a panel discussion with Dr Nate Reid and Tracy Whitmore:

Identification document

The third intersex forum and identification documents

The third international intersex forum included a self-organising working group on identification documents. Given recent and proposed developments in Germany, Australia and Argentina, this seemed to be useful. 11 people from 8 organisations participated, and most of the text was included in the final forum statement. Our understanding is that the statement was shortened due…
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Participants at the Third International Intersex Forum in Malta

Malta Declaration

Between 29 November and 1 December 2013, the Third International Intersex Forum, supported by ILGA and ILGA-Europe, took place in Valletta, Malta. The event brought together 34 activists representing 30 intersex organisations from all continents, and produced a common declaration.

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Revised policy on identification documents

Read about bodily integrity, and eliminating harmful practices Read about eugenics, prenatal screening and elimination Read about discrimination, and stigma Read about identification documents, sex and gender Important note: this paper should not be regarded as a guide to our current policy on identification documents. Our approaches have been informed by community-building and evidence-building, and…
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Gay News Network: We must put an end to normalising surgery

Gay News Network has kindly published an opinion piece by OII Australia president Morgan Carpenter: While it may not be foremost in the minds of many gay men, the clitoris is the only part of any human body that’s purely designed for pleasure. But is too much of a good thing a bad thing? Research…
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“Alex as Well”, by Alyssa Brugman

We’ve recently seen a book by Alyssa Brugman, entitled “Alex as Well”. We believe that the author has confused intersex with non-binary identities, like genderqueer or bigender. This is often a sign of poor research, or the use of intersex as a mere plot device. Additionally, the depiction of cultural and linguistic minorities is a…
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Our current board members.