Categories by article type (page 20 of 53)

United Nations for Intersex Equality

United Nations for Intersex Awareness

Thanks to the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, for two powerful statements issued overnight. Firstly, the UN has published a statement for Intersex Awareness Day, signed by UN Committees on Torture, the Rights of the Child and the Rights of People with Disabilities, as well as Special Rapporteurs and experts,…
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A rainbow sitting on two clouds, with the sun shining above it


Finding out you have an intersex variation can be a surprise! It doesn’t mean you’re alone. There are heaps of us out here with different intersex variations.

Pride and Prejudice speaker series at UTS

UTS Pride and Prejudice event

On 23 August, UTS Law Students’ Society will hold an event on LGBTI rights, with speakers including Dr David Bennett QC (keynote), Geoff Holland (UTS law), Hilary Kincaid (Inner City Legal Centre), Ruth Nocka (Corrs Chambers Westgarth) and Morgan Carpenter (OIIAU).

Text saying "Should the 'intersex' athlete be ALLOWED to compete as a woman?"

Body shaming is an intersex issue

Body shaming is an intersex issue, perhaps even more than any other issue. This post intersperses quotations about intersex infants and children with quotations about the bodies of public figures.

Raising Rosie

Raising Rosie is a new book for parents of children born with variations of sex characteristics, written by Eric and Stephani Lohman, parents of a girl with congenital adrenal hyperplasia. When their daughter Rosie was born, Eric and Stephani Lohman found themselves thrust into a situation they were not prepared for. Born intersex – a…
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Coloured pencils, by Petr Kratochvil

Intersex symposium, University of Surrey

On 23-24 September 2016, the Institute of Advanced Studies at the University of Surrey held a multidisciplinary symposium entitled After the Recognition of Intersex Human Rights.

London Olympics photo by Farrukh

Reporting on the Olympics

Much of the reporting on some women athletes participating in the Rio Olympics is insupportable. It makes assumptions about their bodies, sex, gender identity and expressions that is deeply concerning. Much reporting fails to acknowledge the lack of scientific evidence for body policing by sporting institutions, and the deep personal cost of such assumptions, which…
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an outline of a pie chart with a quarter sliced out


The intersex population is far more diverse than commonly understood. This page presents details based on a 2015 independent Australian sociological survey.

journal cover image

Carpenter: “Intersex human rights: addressing harmful practices and rhetoric of change”

OII Australia co-chair Morgan Carpenter has been published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Reproductive Health Matters. Here is the article abstract: Intersex people and bodies have been considered incapable of integration into society. Medical interventions on often healthy bodies remain the norm, addressing perceived familial and cultural demands, despite concerns about necessity, outcomes, conduct and…
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Rainbow votes coalition member logos

Rainbow Votes: intersex issues in the federal election

OII Australia and eight partner organisations collaborated in Rainbow Votes, coordinated by Corey Irlam. The Rainbow Votes coalition appreciates the comprehensive responses by the Australian Greens, Australian Labor Party and Liberal National Coalition to our 2016 LGBTI election survey. Members of the Rainbow Votes coalition of LGBTI rights and health organisations have assessed the content…
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