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Position statement on genital cutting

Intersex refers to atypical internal and/or external anatomical sexual characteristics, where features usually regarded as male or female may be mixed to some degree. This is a naturally occurring variation in humans.

Photo by Karin

Karin: “Conformity’s never-ending war against diversity”

The past is another country and it can be a savage, brutal place. No matter how bad things may be now for intersex and other biological nonconformists, in the past they were immeasurably worse. I was reminded of this when chatting with a woman who had rejected the sex she was assigned at birth and…
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a newspaper

Star Observer: Norrie may well be the first of their kind

Gina Wilson is quoted in this article about the impact of a third sex classification on intersex infants and children: SAGE said the decision was also a win for intersex children who might be registered as ‘Sex Not Specified’ until they decided what sex was right for them. However, Gina Wilson of Organisation Internationale des…
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a newspaper

Sydney Morning Herald: “Sexless in the city: a gender revolution”

Trans person Norrie is in the news: A spokeswoman for the Attorney-General’s department confirmed it was the first such certificate to state non-specified gender, and that even intersex children have their sex determined within weeks of birth. A Catholic ethicist, Nicholas Tonti-Filippini from the John Paul II Institute, said birth certificates should also record no…
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OII Australia founding president, Gina Wilson

Gina Wilson: Sexism is the Issue with the IOC

THE issue with the IOC – International Olympic Committee – is sexism and every woman should be outraged. Why? Physical advantage Every gold medallist since the beginning of the modern Olympics, and most likely those in the old Olympics has a physical advantage over his competitors. The underlying prejudice in the current situation is that…
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