Categories by article type (page 27 of 53)

Tony Briffa gives a Q&A at the Castan Centre

Tony Briffa speaks at Monash University on intersex human rights

“Arthur, Martha and everyone else”: equality now for intersex, trans and gender diverse peoples We’re delighted that Tony Briffa spoke at Monash University’s Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, on the human rights of intersex people, on 7 October from 6pm to 7.30pm. The Castan Centre is part of the university’s Faculty of Law. More…
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The symbol of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, in purple

UN Human Rights Council: resolution, statement and side event, “The time has come”

Several significant events for intersex people are taking place during this September’s UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Resolution on sexual orientation and gender identity Events include proposals for a SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) resolution aimed at eliminating violence and discrimination that does not expressly include intersex status or intersex issues. However, the…
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Tony Briffa in Body&Soul: “I’m proud to be intersex”

Tony Briffa appears in an article in the “Body and Soul” magazine today, in the Sunday Herald Sun (Victoria), Sunday Telegraph (NSW), Sunday Mail (QLD), Sunday Mail (SA), Sunday Territorian, Sunday Times and the Sunday Tasmanian.

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Schoolbook on “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity”, and intersex status

We have recently received a copy of “Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity”, a schoolbook by Australian publisher The Spinney Press in their “Issues in Society” series. It also contains content on intersex people and intersex issues. That content includes an intersex for allies guide, and “It’s time to defend intersex rights“, an article on the…
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No scientific basis for current policy excluding elite intersex women from sport

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism this month contains a report on research by the International Association of Athletics Federations’ Medical and Anti-Doping Department and Commission, and others. It states that there is “no clear scientific evidence” for current policies excluding elite intersex women athletes from competitive sport on the basis of high androgen…
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AISSGA annual conference this weekend

This weekend our friends at the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia (AISSGA) hold their annual conference, in Sydney near Central Station. If you haven’t registered yet, please do so quickly by emailing Registration is free and open to all intersex people and their families who are current members. There is a small travel…
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Morgan Carpenter at LGBTI Human Rights in the Commonwealth conference

We’re delighted that Morgan Carpenter spoke on intersex health and human rights at the LGBTI Human Rights in the Commonwealth event in Glasgow, Scotland on 18 July, at the kind invitation of the Equality Network and Kaleidoscope Trust. Much of the Commonwealth however is not a good place to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or…
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ILGA Europe’s summer magazine talks about intersex equality

ILGA Europe has published its summer magazine, Destination Equality, and this issue focuses on intersex. It includes an article and other content by Morgan Carpenter. In this edition: Sophie Aujean, Senior Policy and Programmes Officer, explains how ILGA-Europe’s work on intersex issues has evolved, the importance of the three intersex forums in this context and…
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Morgan Carpenter: Diversity & power in mental health services, addressing structural violence

Morgan Carpenter spoke at The Mental Health Services Conference in Perth this August, as part of an intersectional symposium entitled Diversity & power in mental health services, Addressing structural violence. The conference is the largest and longest running multidisciplinary mental health conference in Australasia: TheMHS Conference attracts over 1000 mental health clinicians, managers, consumers, carers/families,…
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