Author: Morgan Carpenter

Darlington 2 retreat participants

Affirm the Darlington Statement

Following the second Australian-Aotearoa/NZ intersex advocacy retreat, we invite you and your organisations to affirm the Darlington Statement in support of intersex human rights.

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Peer and family support

Peer support is available for people with intersex variations (also known as ‘differences of sex development’) and our families and carers. Find out how to access support here.

Darlington retreat.

Second Australian and Aotearoa/NZ retreat: expressions of interest sought

In March 2017, intersex advocates from around Australia and Aotearoa/NZ came together in Darlington, Sydney, to identify common issues and concerns, and agree a consensus statement. In addition to publishing the Darlington Statement, more intersex people are now more visible, and our voices are more connected across our countries than ever before. We want to…
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the shape of NT, in purple

Submission on anti-discrimination law in NT

OII Australia has made a formal submission to the Northern Territory Department of the Attorney General and Justice. It responds to a consultation on reform of anti-discrimination law.