All news (page 30 of 59)

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Andrew Solomon on growing up different

Andrew Solomon A.M. Homes and Robert Hoges spoke recently at Sydney Writers’ Festival on growing up different from parents – something he terms “horizontal identity”, in contrast with (for example) ethnic heritage, and typically religion and nationality which are “vertical identities”, shared between family members. Radio National presented extracts of this talk on Monday 2…
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detail from the cover of Laverne Cox on Time Magazine

Intersex, brain differences, and the transgender tipping point

Over a decade ago, intersex and trans activist Raven Kaldera wrote that trans people seeking classification as intersex might be seeking legitimisation, as if a physical cause is necessary to obtain social or familial validation. He said that trans people using brain sex theories to claim intersex status were basing a political stance on unproven…
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New resources for allies, parents and service providers!

OII Australia and ACON announce three new resources to explain intersex to the LGBT* and broader communities, service providers and parents. The resources have been produced by OII Australia, a national intersex-led Public Benevolent Institution that promotes human rights and health issues, and ACON, a leading LGBTI* health promotion organisation in NSW. OII and ACON…
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Making your service intersex friendly

OII Australia is delighted to announce “Making your service intersex-friendly“, a short guide to making services intersex-inclusive. We hope that it will help organisations and businesses across Australia to better understand intersex and people with intersex variations, and better respond to community needs…

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WHO/UN interagency statement on involuntary or coerced sterilisation

The World Health Organization, together with OHCHR, UN Women, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF, have issued an interagency statement on Eliminating forced, coercive and otherwise involuntary sterilization. The statement covers intersex people, trans people, women, women with HIV, indigenous and ethnic minority women, and people with disabilities. This is an important development, that recognises the…
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Morgan and Tony, smiling outside the federal Parliament, 2014

End of financial year appeal

Dear Supporters OII Australia has no government funding, and no philanthropic or project support for our advocacy work. We depend on the commitment of our members, and support from the broader community, to enable us to work. The last year has seen a major shift in awareness, understanding, and recognition: Enactment of intersex-inclusive anti-discrimination legislation,…
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The 25th Session of the Human Rights Council in March 2014 witnessed a historic first: the first ever side event exclusively focused on intersex issues, titled Intersex People and Human Rights: Violations, Voices and Visions.

Intersex side event at the UN Human Rights Council

The 25th Session of the Human Rights Council in March 2014 witnessed a historic first: the first ever side event exclusively focused on intersex issues, titled Intersex People and Human Rights: Violations, Voices and Visions. OII Australia was proud to participate, alongside other NGOs.

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ILGA Oceania – inaugural board

ILGA, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, has been an important actor in bringing together the international intersex movement. To date, ILGA, and its European grouping ILGA-Europe, have brought together activists from all permanently inhabited continents for three annual forums. The local regional group, ILGA Oceania has just been formally established at…
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Darwin Outgames flyer

Tony Briffa speaks at the Darwin Outgames Human Rights Forum

Tony Briffa spoke on “Nothing about us without us – Stepping out of the shadows and giving intersex people a voice” for OII Australia and the Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome Support Group Australia at the Darwin Outgames Human Rights Forum on 15 May this year. Here is the speech. Good morning everyone. I would like to…
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